The 37,000 SF facility has been operational since 2017. Constructed within a historic warehouse, it includes 19,000 SF of cultivation space. Other functions include butane extraction, ethanol processing, and a full commercial kitchen.
Veg room with a matrix of Ceramic Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium grow lights
Fertigation Room
Flower Room, approximately 2,300 SF. HPS lighting with perforated fabric ductwork
Mother Room, with custom propagation shelving
Drying Room
Clone Room, with perforated fabric ductwork
Work Area, with watering tanks
Clone chambers
Clone Hardening Room. Prior to going to to Veg Room, clones acclimate in the Hardening Room on custom shelving.
Hallway, with batch watering tanks
Waiting Room
Veg Room, with rolling tip benches and irrigation. HPS and CMH lighting
Flower Room, approximately 2,300 SF. HPS lighting with perforated fabric ductwork
Entry, with security window
Cultivation facility exterior, with CO2 tank. Retrofit into existing warehouse.